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I am disturbed that people have to buy a package deal to wrap up their package.
My hotel in Chicago is one I stayed in during a college visit. Much nicer than I remember but I also do not remember much from that time.
Just like Knoxville, the sign shows you I am here. If you look in the back of the picture, you can see what is left of my balls that froze and fell off a block ago.
In the cold street I found this treasure. They have kung pao bun and they make their own ginger ale.:-)
Looks beautiful, huh? Chicago in January is like Baghdad in July - lovely.
I just arrived in Chicago to a couple feet of snow and lots of delayed or cancelled flights. Hopefully I can get home tomorrow!
I about fell out of my car when I saw this parked next to me at work. It looks like me after a Nascar race!
Nice big brewpub in Knoxville but I could not try the beer because I was with some clients. I will definitely try it next time!
Guess what state I am in? It is not mental distress but close - Tennessee! Just kidding - the town is much nicer than I thought it would be and the downtown actually has people living here!
This is the Market Square area. Pretty cool area!
This is probably a bad idea to give a dog aerosol dairy products at will but it is funny as hell. Pepper hears the sound and gets all excited. Needless to say, it makes good video...
Here is the aforementioned blue snow. Pepper now has blue feet.
This blast seems even thicker than before. You may not be able to tell but our idiot lawn care guy put fertilizer with blue dye to create a color only seen on Bert & Ernie birthday cakes.
Not as cold as Minnesota but we got about an inch of snow. As usual, the city is in a panic.
I went to a Kosher Chinese restaurant and there was a grocery with very specific hours working around the sabbath.
In the lobby of my hotel there was a friend who greeted me with a friendly Hello! He also gave me some unsolicited advice on a hot aviary escort service.
This has nothing to do with travel or food but this redneck woman on COPS made my eyes bleed!
My vote for a name is Walter Matthau or Alan Greenspan.
She said Shaun served her sticky toffee pudding but she has three dogs.
Home-made Kit Kat Bars made with ganache and hazelnuts is much better than any candy bar.
Fries cooked in duck fat is great for anybody but Donald.
Chang had this & said that the addition of fatback made it awesome. Pig makes everything good!
Very good but the chopped brussels are the best!
Cheryl wanted us to go here to try their gluten free menu. Chang & I had a Brooklyn Brown Ale. So far so good...
I walked on another lake to see what was up with the huts and I saw a guy fishing with a kerosene heater. It was just like the one in Grumpy Old Men!
This is an enormous viking near a frozen lake. I walked on the lake until I saw a melted piece. I would have gone down like a Cuban refugee.
After my snowman debacle, I took a walk in the snow during sunrise. It was very pretty but I could not feel my face.
I thought the snow would be powdery but it was icy. The sad pile of crap is my attempt at a snowman. I am from Florida.
It is pretty and not as bad as I thought it would be. Remember that I am a Florida boy with thin blood.
At least I got to see the city from a distance.
Not as big but it does not have as many mouth breathers.
I guess Snoopy dancing has some meaning but the airport is nice.
As a final piece of Pepper's city adventure, we took him to the Piedmont Park Dog Park. He was confused by all the dogs & played with people instead!
Cheryl spotted the second name when we worked out in the gym. I knew Wolf Blitzer was there because of the beard hair on the treadmill.
The view from his window is much nicer than his second floor perch in Woodstock.
He is hard at work signing autographs at the Ritz Carlton in Downtown Atlanta. It is his first time in a city hotel & he is both confused and happy to be with Mommy & Daddy.